we are international transportation and foreign trader, providing services in the airway, railway, seaway, and roadway with the demands of our customers, since 2006.
Our professional, Fast And Safe Road Transportation in Turkey, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Middle East, Europe doing perfectly.
we are approved by T. C. The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, General Directorate K1, R1, and R2 Certificate, We Provide the Most Reliable and Fastest Service to Our Customers with 200 Fleet of Vehicles in Complete Vehicle Allocation, Partial Loading, Heavy Cargo and Project Transportation.

As a Leading Company and a Brand in International Logistics, We Providing ‘Complete Solution’ Services, Continuously Raising its Targets in the Sector and Evaluating New Technology Opportunities by Producing Special Service Alternatives for the Customer.
having professional expert Employees in Transport and Storage Services helps us to perform the best way day by day.
Using High Technological Tools to improve our quality of services ıs our mission.
Our Corporate Structure in Domestic and International Transport and Storage Services is the Business Ethics, Responsibility Consciousness, Creating Corporate Transport Awareness, and Increasing Competitiveness in the Sector as an Exemplary Institution and Organization by Realizing More than the Expectations of our vision.
Europe Logistics is the first industrial company to use Satellite System Technology for Vehicle Tracking.
These Systems reports, our truck’s locations, and their stop durations, total distance, all Costs and, more details.
In the Automotive Sector, JIT (Just In Time) Provides Information Transfer in Electronic Environment Using Internet-Based Applications (Oplog-Optimization Logistics) and Performs Maximum Capacity Utilization and Performance by Using Internet-Based Applications (Oplog-Optimization Logistics) While Performing Distribution and Collection Operations. In addition, with the Driver Tracking System (Poliroute) it uses, the driver monitors the performance of the loading and unloading times.